Project information page 

The COVID-19 responses project has been designed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, to share, learn, crowdsource, and connect about how countries are responding to the crisis and the impact of these responses on people with IDD. 

The COVID-19 responses project on HealthIDea aims to:

  1. share public health responses to COVID-19 and the attention given to people with IDD in these responses across the world;
  2. reflect on key issues, lessons learned, and research, policy, and practice initiatives in response to COVID-19 and people with IDD across the world. 
Participants worldwide with expertise in their national COVID-19 responses and people with IDD can participate as correspondents, sharing their insights and experiences in a concise way. Authors have the option to add their names and affiliations to their contributions. Multiple authors can contribute to the information for the same country, thus collaboratively creating national overviews. Contributions may differ as a result of regional or personal differences, or because the national response may change over time. 

Part 1 Authors briefly describe the context of their national COVID-19 responses, supported by publicly accessible resources (preferably in English). This should also address the way in which people with IDD were included in these responses. 

Part 2 Authors reflect on the national public health responses to COVID-19 and the attention given to people with IDD. This can include perceived key challenges and issues, as well as successes and lessons learned. Please write your contribution below the contributions of previous correspondents, starting by stating your profession and region of residence.

This COVID-19 responses project will function as a pilot-project on the HealthIDea platform. Feedback on the platform, the formats, and instructions are most welcome and can be addressed to   

Interested in participating in this project?
Request an access code for your country by emailing your name, profession, and correspondence country to

For more information about the COVID-19 responses project on HealthIDea, please contact the project leader Marian Breuer via